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Adventure Bound Nature Play
Articles that will inspire you and your child to get outside into nature, grow sustainable food, garden activities plus loads of screen free activities to fuel the imagination.

Adventure Bound: How Hiking Benefits Kids and why it should be at the top of your outdoor activities list
You watch as your kids race up the trail ahead, their little legs carrying them swiftly over rocks and roots. Their faces glow with exciteme

7 Priceless Life Lessons Learned in the Children’s Garden
Here are some invaluable life lessons that your kids can learn from the patient, generous nature school of the garden.

Plant Activities for Kids: Keeping an Awesome Seed Journal
Keeping a seed journal really helps to bring home the scientific lessons that the gardening nature school teaches our kids.

Seed Growth Experiment for Kids’ Garden School
Nature’s variety is crazy and awesome. And introducing kids to the wonders of nature is deeply rewarding.

Educational Garden Ideas for Kids + 3 Essential Lessons They’ll Learn
A children’s garden is a priceless nature school where kids not only get exposed to nature, but also pick up new skills...

The Best (And Worst) Plants for Your Children’s Garden
There are a few things to consider when planning a children’s garden. Here are the best and worst plants for your children's garden.

Plant Activities for Kids: 7 Delightful Ways to Grow Food
You’d love your kids to learn how to grow their own organic food. Here are the 7 delightful ways to grow food.

Planting Sunflowers for Nature Preschool
If you’re looking for nature play ideas for your kids, learn how to plant sunflowers for nature preschool with these tips.

The Nature School: Encouraging Unstructured Play
Unstructured play is open-ended play: there are no adults to give directions – only supervise, and no pre-ordained goals.

6 Reasons Why You Need a Mud Pit in Your Children’s Garden
Playing in mud has surprising health and developmental benefits for kids. Here are the reasons why you need a mud pit...

Your Kids Won’t Be Able to Get Enough of These 11 Outdoor Play Ideas
Here are some nature play ideas that will encourage your kids to get outdoors, breathe the fresh air and revel in nature.

How to Grow a Snacking Garden with Kids
Teach your kids the value of growing their own food by making a snacking garden. It's a great way to get your kids in nature...

How to Collect Seaweed for Kids’ Garden School
If you’re teaching your kids how to grow plants, gathering seaweed is a gardening project that will delight them.

Three Nature Journaling Ideas: An Outdoor Activity For Kids
Keeping a nature journal is a great way to get closer to every little detail in all the biodiverse plants and creatures...

Kids’ Garden: It’s Fun and Educational
Gardening is arguably the most productive outdoor adventure for kids. Here are the reasons why a kid's garden is fun and educational.

Nature Activities for Toddlers: Growing Avo Pips in Jars
If you’re just looking for quiet activities for kids, join us on this fun adventure: we’re going to grow some avocado pips in jars.

Best Perennials for a Pollinator Garden: Help Sustain Your Local Ecosystem
Pollinators help keep this planet healthy and teeming with life. Here are the best perennials for a pollinator garden.

How to Make an Indoor Worm Compost
Indoor worm compost is a great first nature project for kids. Here's how to make an indoor worm compost.

How to Create an Enchanting Butterfly Garden In 4 Easy Steps
You can lure these real-life fairies into your garden by creating a special place, just for them. Here's how.

Irresistibly Fun Nature Play Ideas for Toddlers
Toddlers are fascinated by the outdoors, and it doesn’t take much to get them having fun. Check out these irresistibly fun nature play ideas
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